Home > Artworks > Yolanda Martinez Soriano

Photo of Yolanda Martinez Soriano Spain

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Formation: Graduate in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Erasmus Scholarship 2001 awarded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia to study at the Accademia di Belle ArtiCarrara, Italy. In the 1999-2000 academic year. Pedagogical adaption Course (CAP) in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Practices carried out during the 2002-03 school year at the College CIS The Anunciacin, Valencia. 1999-2000. SUPPLEMENTARY formation: Taller de Arte Sonoro issued by the Polytechnic...
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Formation: Graduate in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Erasmus Scholarship 2001 awarded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia to study at the Accademia di Belle ArtiCarrara, Italy. In the 1999-2000 academic year. Pedagogical adaption Course (CAP) in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Practices carried out during the 2002-03 school year at the College CIS The Anunciacin, Valencia. 1999-2000. SUPPLEMENTARY formation: Taller de Arte Sonoro issued by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Department of Sculpture. 20 horas.2001. Illustration Diseoe DECONOMIA issued by the Department, Finance and Employment, 159 hours. 2001. Management programs: Microsoft Word Adobe Photoshop 6 Macromedia FreeHand CorelDRAW 9 Flash. Sculpture Workshop issued by ISTITUTO PROFESSIONAL STATO PER IL MARMO Pietro Tacca, Carrara, Italy. 1999/2000. EXPERIENCE: Monitor and gua didactic exhibition in various workshops organized by the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno. 45 hours. 1997/2000. Professor of Secondary Educacin drawing. CIS College ANUNCIACIN. 2003-2005. INTERS OTHER INFORMATION: exhibitions: "Paintings: 1991-Exhibition artistic Parents, School Pas, Valencia. 1997-Crculo artistic Requena, Requena, Valencia. -City of Slovakia, Guadalajara. -Ayuntamiento de Chera, Valencia. 1998-Tomero CulturalEl Association, Exhibition of Self Portraits, Face to Face, Valencia. 1999-artistic anatomy, Valencia. -Botanical Garden, garden LANDSCAPES, Valencia. 2000 -Paper Art 2000 Lucca, Italy. -INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART PROJECT, La via Francigena in Val DElsa, Poggibonsi, Italy. 2001 - CA Revolt, The Workshop, Centre Just Ramirez, Valencia. 2003 - GRUPO BATIK ART, Sala Barna. Barcelona 2004 - GRUPO BATIK ART, Sala Barna. Barcelona 2005 - GRUPO BATIK ART, Sala Barna. Barcelona 2005 - Museum of the Americas, Miami, Florida. 2006 - GALLEY Galley Badajoz. 2006 - GRUPO BATIK ART, Sala Barna. Barcelona 2006 - Esart Gallery, Barcelona. 2006 - Holland Art Fair, The Hague. -Sculpture: 1997 - Sculpture 1, Room Cistern, City of Aldaya, Valencia. 1999 - Polideportivo de Sueca, Valencia. 2000 - Inaugural Exhibition, Ca Revolta, Centre Just Ramirez, Valencia. 2001 - Proyeccide VIDEO-ART, CA Ramirez Just REVOLT-Centre, Valencia. - A Electronics in your eye, (Audiovisual Exhibition), ORANGE HALL, Valencia. - With bronze, Exhibition Hall of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 2002 Spring Salon GALERIA ARTIS. 2003 Exhibition ayw. ARTIS GALLERY. 2003 - Exhibition Hall of the UPV. Spring 2005 Alumni Exhibition ART AlumnosLa SEVILLA Seville Contemporary Art Fair, Contemporary Art Exhibition I Exhibition and Congress FIBES Sevilla 2005 - Artis Gallery. From 2005 to 1916 Mostra Mercato di Padova give contemporary beast. Solo Italia: "Paintings: 1990 - Torre Muslim, Silla, Valencia. 1993 - Aragons Center, Valencia. 1995 - City of Villamarchante, Valencia. 2000 - Direzione Didattico TATE C. 3 CIRCOLO Finelli, Carrara, Italy. - LUCE, COLOR, Painting, City of Carrara, Italy. - GALLERIA Pietro Tacca, Carrara, Italy. 2005 - Duality, Paints. Artis gallery. Valencia 2006 - La Galera, paintings and sculptures. Badajoz 2006 - Art Gallery of El Corte English, Valencia. -Sculpture: 2004 Exhibition of sculpture. Artis gallery. Valencia. Awards and Selections: 1997 - Painting Competition Accsit 1 outdoor Moya 97, Santo Domingo de Moya. 1998 - VI Biennale of Sculpture, Quart de Poblet, Valencia. Catalog. - IX Viguer Sculpture Prize, Valencia. 2000 - Selected and extempore finalist in 2000, International Symposium Accademia delle Belle Arti, Suvereto (Livorno), Italy. Catalog 2001-Selected in extempore 2001, International Symposium Accademia delle Belle Arti, Suvereto (Livorno), Italy. Catalog - Work acquired by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. - 1 Free Item Prize in Painting, University of Alicante. 2002-XXIX AWARD BANCAIXA Painting and Sculpture Catalog. -Hon. Provincial Council of Alicante, Biennial of sculpture Jacinto Higueras, Santisteban del Puerto, Jan. 2003 - Second Prize. Jaureana Art Painting Prize Barcealona 2003 - XXI CONTEST, PAINTING EXHIBITION Pintor Sorolla. Elda, Alicante. 2004 - Sculpture Biennial Jacinto Higueras, Santisteban del Puerto, Jan.

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Currently is not possible to make prints shipments outside Spain. We're working to re-offer the service as soon as possible.

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